Wednesday, September 22, 2010

working from anywhere

Bismillahi rahmanirahim...

I received an email from a good friend of mine last night. She's somewhere offshore, asking for a favour to make a payment so that she can start working on a big project soon. She could not make the payment herself because of some security procedures with password sent to the handphone and she could not have the access to her handphone during offshore period.

After replying the email, saying I will try, i went to bed (it's around 10 pm and the email discussion was still pending) as I was not feeling well, was even on MC yesterday.

And this morning, as I read her replying email in the office, I was quite clueless to figure out how it could work, with banking system and company system too. Someone in Bandar Utama makes a payment for an invoice and account of another people name who is in the middle of the ocean. So, who will get the password? as she said the complication might arise bacause of the password. My effort is to no avail if the system still sending the password to her handphone.

During the emailing and trying process, I was constantly thinking of how she is still working hard to contribute to dakwah despite many obstacles she had gone through since we both came back to Malaysia. It's somehow remind me that I should be working harder to contribute too, even without physically present at the particular place. Should be "invisible hand, mind and money which always working and contributing in the cause of Allah".

Alhamdulillah, after sending and replying approximately 10 emails with her today, I received this one at 4.32pm.
Jazakillahukhairan katsira...Thuaibah
Website dah activated, so now i can start designing etc...
(Miss Dai'e, on oil rig)

p/s: kat Msia nie, ada org tak berpeluang untuk physically present buat dakwah sbb outstation atas air, ats udara, dalam bumi memanjang. Jadi, baik kita usaha untuk lakukan sesuatu juga atas kadar dan kemampuan kita. Bukan soal banyak atau sikit, bukan soal kecil atau besar, kerana nilai disisi Allah adalah keikhlasan Niat kita (ingat kisah burung dan Nabi Ibrahim tak?). I think I should still be on MC, but I am assigned for stocktake tomorrow at Bangsar from 8pm until 2PAGI ALONE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lovely sharing! =))
jazakillah khayr :)

thabbit qulubana ya allah.