Friday, April 24, 2009


Assalamualaikum wbt

Smell some patriotism here?...huhu..If this year will be my final year here, this year might be the last year I celebrate ANZAC day. Well, ANZAC day has a strong correlation with ISK plotline. Do you remember when the graph goes down? and the presenters were talking about the war in Gallipoli between British Army and Ottoman Empire Army? When the full armoured ships of additional soldiers which have been called from Australia and New Zealand were asked to land on the mud in that gulf which then lead to the victory of Turkish Army?
The Gallipoli campaign resulted in the deaths of over 8,000 Australians and in the creation of an enduring “ANZAC legend”, both powerful factors in Australia’s continuing remembrance of war. (source)
ANZAC day on Saturday 25th April is probably Australia's most important national occasion. It is not only a day we (we...?...I am Malaysian joining Australian..^_^) remember all Australians who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations, but also the spirit of ANZAC, with its human qualities of courage, mateship, and sacrifice, continues to have meaning and relevance for our (our...?..:p) sense of national identity.

On ANZAC day...which is tomorrow, a number of ceremonies will be held in Canberra such as the Dawn Service (which will start at 5 a.m) and the National ANZAC Day Ceremony at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra. It's also interesting to realise that Australian War Memorial is still keeping the ship of this 1915 battle.

I also suggest that we watch ABC TV which will be airing live coverage of the ANZAC Day parades on ABC1 including Dawn services from Gallipoli in Turkey and Villers-Bretonneux in France. This year’s coverage of the ANZAC Day commemorations also takes on a new multimedia, multi-platform aspect at and the ANZAC Day coverage available for first time on ABC iView (

Watching the parade and dawn service is one thing, but the more important thing is we try to comprehend the meaning of ANZAC day to us as Muslims. I rest my case with the ANZAC day sweet words,


Jehan Sahid said...

okey sy da kene denda dgn akak utk tglkan comment kt blog akak..
heee tp sy mmg nk comment pn psl entry nie =)

i like this entry.. tp tak dpt nk bace dgn khusyuknye..
but i promise to read it back n tekan2 link kt post nie..
anyway, nk say thank u for doing d ISK with us..
terbukak luas mata dan hati bile tawu sume bende nie..

n dis entry hopefully will give me better understanding about anzac day.
thanks again akak


Thuaibah said...

yes2~..denda for sneaking to my blog that I have been hiding all this while..

it's a pleasure for me to have the story telling nights with you kekanak comel^_^.

The stories tells us that we were strong and great kan?? So, we should become great again, yes~! we can ~!

HidayatiHH said...

hehe realiti di Malaysia jangan dilupa:)

continueation (ejaan yang sy rase tak betul..) selepas ISK adalah IPK, tapi jangan dilupa konteks semasa.. peranan kita di mana? di Malaysia tentunya.. kerena itu medah dakwah sebenar kita:)

kita semua sudah dewasa, sudah pandai menilai maklumat semasa. kita mohon hidayah padaNya, agar tidak bersikap zalim dan ego terhadap kebenaran yang ada di depan mata..


:) :)

HidayatiHH said...

hehe realiti di Malaysia jangan dilupa:)

continueation (ejaan yang sy rase tak betul..) selepas ISK adalah IPK, tapi jangan dilupa konteks semasa.. peranan kita di mana? di Malaysia tentunya.. kerena itu medah dakwah sebenar kita:)

kita semua sudah dewasa, sudah pandai menilai maklumat semasa. kita mohon hidayah padaNya, agar tidak bersikap zalim dan ego terhadap kebenaran yang ada di depan mata..


:) :)

Thuaibah said...


saya faham dan "faham" ^_^.

Thank You so much and Luv U always