My early days in working world.


The new KPMG joiners for business advisory, tax, audit, HR etc. The new joiners for audit have to pass 8 papers in three days. I snapped this picture from where I was sitting for the test. We sit near to each other during the test as the questions are not the same for everyone.

From level 10 of KPMG tower.

The bag, the laptop backpack, and the audit file before leaving for my first working trip, to Senawang for my first audit engagement.

Bukit Kiara. Every weekend morning jog with Aisyah.

Seminar Muslim Super in Mid March. First time meeting all other ILUVISLAM crews face to face. I had a very good time with them=)

Attending the discussion for the "
Melayu Di Alaf 21" book written by Nik Nazmi. The main issue was about New Economic Policy. Nurul Izzah was the main speaker for the event. I was glad to see her again after 11 years ( we had taken photograph together in 1999).
~pieces of my new life~
p/s: sorry for the blurry pictures as they'r all from my phone camera.
k..thuaibah lame x dgr cite..
mesti bz keje kn..
hehe..lps 2 bulan br reply=p..
dah x busy skg..tenang2, super rilex=)as peak period dh hbs. Org Canberra msti makin sibuk skg kan?
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